Posted by Sarath The King On 21:45
The BEng programme in Electrical and Electronic Engineering equips students with a broad knowledge base for a variety of career opportunities. The third and final years build on the base of mathematics and engineering sciences established during the first two years, with engineering applications in the fields of electrical energy, electronics, electromagnetic systems, computer systems, control systems and signal processing.

An Academic Support Program is available for students coming from a disadvantaged background.
The Department offers one four-year Bachelor's degree programme in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, with four specialization branches. These are Informatics, Energy, Robotics, and Telecommunications.

 This branch is very much focused on high-level computer science and software systems (such as internet communications, virtual storage etc.), but also gives a student a good foundation in computers and data, and includes hardware and software design in both high and low level languages. Students who follow this branch do three of the four final year modules of the BSc Computer Science degree in their final two years. This branch replaces the old BEng (E&E Eng and Computer Science) and contains more Computer Science subjects than the old degree.

The Robotics branch focuses on the area where mechanics meet electronics, and include the design of robot vehicles, unmanned aeroplanes, and satellites. The department has been involved in both satellites built in South Africa, and is the prime venue for study in this field in the country.

In the Energy branch, students learn about electric motors, generation of power, renewable energy, control of 
energy and computer controlled power mangement.

 Our world is filled communication devices such as cellphones, radio and television. Microwave signals transmit sport events across the world in parts of a second, for us to watch in the comfort of our homes. This branch of the course focus specifically on the knowledge of electronics, high-frequency techniques and the transmission of data needed to enter this field of EE Engineering.

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