Dr M.V. Ramana Rao, Managing Director and CEO, MIC Electronics Ltd, announcing the company's IPO in Mumbai on Wednesday. - Shashi Ashiwal  
The Technical education in India has witnessed a phenomenal growth since Independence from 3200 in 1947 to 1 million student enrollment in 2006 in various technical disciplines. Taking into consideration of the opportunities that are available in India as well as globally for technical graduates, still there is a dearth for qualified technical graduates. It is estimated that in 2007-08, there are about 1.4 to 1.5 million technocrats serving the BPO indusry that account 7% of Indian GDP. The present enrollment is quite satisfactory to meet the global demand. However, if one looks carefully into the employable segment among the qualified technocrats, it is a miniscule.
The status report on technical education of quality improvement programme of Government of India, remarked that India boasts of having institutions comparable to the best in the world. However, much has to be done in respect to the quality of educaion is concerned. In this scenario, the onus is on enhancing the quality of technical education to make the qualified graduates employable globally.
To achieve highest quality - the system that is responsible in training the technocrats must undergo transformation in respect to:
- imparting the latest technical methodologies
- inculcating among the students the zeal to experiment, innovate
- understand the societal needs in India as well as globally and the implications of new technology on the society and environment
    In addition to this the institution wherein the student is undergoing training must also get sensitized towards the social problems and should work towards the technology that it useful to the common man and is useful to bridge the gap between the haves and have nots.
    When the institutions focus on the above said areas they turn out to be the temples of modern India and their disciples (ie students) will be revered not only in India but also globally.
    I do foresee that our College would take up the above aspects in trainig its students and forge itself into one of the premier institutions of India that is inclined to serve the whole of mankind.

    ( Dr. M.V.RAMANA RAO)

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